Healthy Skin From The Inside Out

Our skin is a window that reflects the state of our internal health (digestion, hormone balance, immune system, and inflammation). When our skin is flaring with acne, rashes, rosacea, redness, inflammation, or sores it is often signaling to us that something internal needs attention. As our skin is the body’s largest organ of elimination, sometimes the route of our skin issues may indicate a need for support in detoxification.
1) Toxicity:
Is an organ of elimination over-burdened or under-functioning?
Treat with individualized botanicals and nutritional support
2) Food sensitives:
Are food sensitivities present?
Identify via Serum Food Antibody Test or Elimination Diet
Treat by removing trigger foods from diet
3) Hormones:
Are there any hormone imbalances?
Identify with salivary hormone testing
Treat with botanicals or Bio identical hormones and nutritional support
4) Digestive enzyme deficiency
Is there a digestive enzyme deficiency?
Identify with Betaine HCL test
Treat with proper eating habits and apple cider vinegar or enzyme supplementation.
5) Gut dysbiosis
Is SIBO (small intestine overgrowth) present?
Identify with hydrogen breath test
Treat with two phases:
Phase 1: specific targeted antibiotics or botanical protocol
Phase 2: motility agents and SIBO diet
Is Candida Overgrowth present?
Identify through history, blood antibody, or stool test
Treat with botanical protocol and nutritional support
If you have any of these skin issues and you would like my help please contact me HERE